Deanne Quarrie, D. Min., HPS

While given the name Deanne at birth, Deanne is known as Bendis, Fierce Huntress of the Two Spears, within the Goddess spirituality community. Her work as a priestess began in the eighties and has been dedicated to helping others toward self-empowerment and in sharing with them the ecstasy of our Dance with Her. Her contributions have been devoted towards weaving webs across boundaries and continents, networking and pointing seekers far and wide, serving as moderator for many e-groups, as both peacekeeper and technical advisor for thousands as they grew in Goddess. She loves being in service to Goddess and promotes learning through diversity–a life-long passion for her.

Deanne Quarrie, D. Min., HPS

While given the name Deanne at birth, Deanne is known as Bendis, Fierce Huntress of the Two Spears, within the Goddess community. Her work as a priestess began in the eighties and she has been dedicated to helping others toward self-empowerment and in sharing with them the ecstasy of our Dance with Her. Her contributions have been devoted towards weaving webs across boundaries and continents, networking and pointing seekers far and wide, serving as moderator for many e-groups, as both peacekeeper and technical advisor for thousands as they grew in Goddess. She loves being in service to Goddess and promotes learning through diversity–a life-long passion for her. She is a life-long devotee to Hekate.

Deanne has been a Priestexx for 35 years and has been ordained in four different traditions. She is a Priestess Hierophant in the Fellowship of Isis, and a Keybearer for the Covenant of Hekate, an international organization for those dedicated to Hekate. She runs a membership center for the Covenant in Austin, Texas. Bendis works within TejasWeb, is on the Wyrd Planning Cell and has served with the Accountability Working Group for a year. She has also started, along with others, a working group on accountability in Austin, TX. For the TejasWeb.

Bendis in a dramatic performance as a Dark Goddess

Deanne spent time in Brazil in 2012, working with Mavesper Cy Ceridwen and the Dianic Tradition of Brazil at the Templo da Deusa outside of Brasilia, Brazil. After returning, she continues online and in Austin, Texas.

She was invited back by Claudiney Prieto twice, but sadly her health prevented those trips. Claudiney is a high priest one of her traditions, The Apple  Branch – A Dianic Tradition, and through the years they have become very close friends.

Note from Bendis: Really, I am a crazy old woman with pink hair and a vibrant love for life. Living my life with Goddess has helped me recapture the joy, imagination and play of my girlhood. If I can say one thing to you it would be,

“Be all that you can be. Open yourself to the divine soul that you are and walk hand in hand with Her. Dance with Her. Make love with Her. Write poetry and sing Her Many Names.”