So you have been visited by Hekate?  Because it happened to me, I know just how it feels.  She is an amazing Goddess.  From what you hear it might be a frightening experience, but rest assured, if you have Hekate with you, you have a fabulous companion who will guide you step by step on your own personal spirititual journey. It helps, however, to have human guides in the discovery process,learning more about Her and in developing magical and devotional practices as you work with Her.

Poppy “and from the poppy productiveness, and the multitude of the souls who find an abode in Her as in a city. “Porphyry, C3rd CE, Trans Gifford

When you first decide you wish to be a member of Hekate’s Tribe, you enter the Poppy Garden. It is here that you first get to know us and begin your studies leading to dedication, should you choose it.

We also are online, using Zoom for our rituals.  So, wherever you are, you can be a part of Hekate’s Tribe. You will need the Internet and a computer!

Our year is divided into 13 lunations with each lunation having assignments based on the epithets of Hekate showing up in our rituals as well as a magical working for each.  When a student satisfactorily completes all 13 lunations and reads and reports on the nine books assigned for the year, they are eligible for ordination as a Priestess or Priest of Hekate

For your advanced studies after your entry period, we have a complete online school, “Liminal Thealogical Seminary” which is packed with courses designed for individual, self-study.  Please, see the page “Our Program of Studies” where you can actually earn a Masters Degree in Hekatean Studies. The fee for our program is based on what a student can afford to pay. The regular fee is $49.95 per month, but don’t let that discourage you if you are on a restricted budget.  Discuss that with Bendis.

Your guide on this journey is Deanne Quarrie, also known as Bendis.  Dr. Quarrie devoted her work to Hekate thrity-five years ago. She is a Torchbearer and a Keybearer in the Covenant of Hekate.  This program offers you a firm foundartion for you should you wish to join the Covenant of Hekate yourself.

Please join us! We have books to read and many conversation to engage in together! Hekate’s Tribe is non-heirarchal.  You will attend Tribe rituals and haved many opportunities to talk with others who follow Hekate.

To enroll, please fill out and send the application below. Then make your payment to PayPal.


All participants in our paid programs can make full use of our online seminary.  Special right now –  $49.99 tuition per month. All entry fees waived!

When scholarship funds are available, we do offer sliding scale options for those on substantially low fixed incomes. Discuss this with Bendis.

Please read the extensive material we offer to help you make up your mind about joining us! We want this to be right for you! Please be sure you are ready to spend at least one month with us to decide if it is for you.  We do not offer any refunds once a donation is made.