Welcome to Hekate’s Tribe. Might as well be up front about who we are. We are witches!  Yes, we practice witchcraft.  I get asked quite often when I tell people I am a witch, if I am a good witch or a bad witch. Well, a good witch can do her magic for good or ill, the energy behind it all comes from the same place.  Personally, I would say we are good witches and that we work our magic for the good of all.

Hekate’s Tribe is open to all seekers of any gender. Those of us who have chosen to be here on this path are working toward or have already made a dedication to Hekate.  She is a wonderful guide.  She can lead us in any direction we choose. If we have trouble deciding for ourselves which way to go, She may just kick us right across the threshold. She doesn’t have a lot of patience! The wonderful thing about Her though, is that if we have nurtured our relationship with Her, She will be right there to guide us as we journey down the road taken.

For our members, Hekate may not be the only deity we work with.  We are all polytheist and free to work with any pantheon in our personal work.  It is when we come together that we call on Hekate.

In Hekate’s Tribe, we delve into the Mysteries, for it is through those Mysteries that we gain wisdom and spiritual growth.  We cannot give you understanding of those Mysteries for they come from within, doing your own spiritual work.  We can, however, offer tools and methods that we have used ourselves and that work for us. We study together, we do ritual together and over time and dedication, become close family.  A family you can count on.

We do not claim to be something old, nor do we offer a long-held lineage. We are modern witches, each developing her/his own magical practice.

We are offering some of Hekate’s Special Days to the public here in Austin and online as well.

Our students have a booklist to follow. They attend our rituals, chat on Zoom and create devotionals and magical workings for themselves.  We come together on a regular basis so that we can manifest our own brand of strong magic for ourselves and others.

We have no hierarchy. As much as possible, we practice consensus. We follow Hekate Propolos, as our guide, and Kleidouchos, who offers the keys that open additional gates in our work and service. The keys we wear represent work in the Three Worlds.

She grants entry into all Three Worlds – our major work – learning about deities, inner spiritual work, and devotion. Knowledge and maturity allow us to take knowledge to others – teaching others – showing how Hekate works in this World where we live. And finally, we can focus on magical work in Lower World – bringing light with Her torch into all Worlds and those who occupy them.

We have set high standards for ourselves, and our path has a heavy emphasis on learning, acquiring knowledge, followed with practical application. We work hard. We love to play and go barefoot on the Earth.

Would you like to take this journey with us? If so, please select Enter the Tribe from the menu.

Copyright Deanne Quarrie, Samhain 10/31/2018